Environmental law

Prakken d’Oliveira does not just stand up for the interests of people, but also for the interests of the natural world. Our attorneys regularly litigate on behalf of interest groups and  individuals concerned with the environment who champion its protection. Prakken d’Oliveira does not just stand up for the interests of people, but also for the interests of the natural world. Our attorneys regularly litigate on behalf of interest groups and  individuals concerned with the environment who champion its protection. 

These legal actions are based on the Nature Protection Act (Wet natuurbescherming). This Act sets out rules for the protection of animal species, plant species and nature reserves in the Netherlands.  
The provinces are responsible for the enforcement of these rules in the Netherlands. Hence, under the Nature Protection Act they have a duty of care towards animals and plants living in the wild. There are also very strict rules in place that protect native species. Provinces can also designate so-called “Natura 2000-areas” in which stricter rules apply in order to counter activities that are harmful to the natural environment. 

Do you feel that the province is not protecting the interests of a native animal or plant species adequately? Is the natural environment in your area at risk of being destroyed by construction plans? Or do you believe that the rules of the Nature Protection Act are being breached in a different way? 

Then feel free to contact us. We are keen to help you protect the interests of the natural environment. Also in light of our thorough knowledge of the General Administrative Law Act (Algemene wet bestuursrecht, or ‘Awb’) we can rapidly identify what the best strategy is for you to act or litigate. 

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