The family reunification policy for, in particular, Somalian refugee-families is no good, says Corrien Ullersma in an interview today with the Dutch newspaper Trouw. The interview follows a trip she made to Ethiopia where she, along with the Dutch Council for Refugees (Vluchtelingenwerk) and Defence for Children, observed the procedures conducted with regard to these families. The present policy, significantly strengthened in 2009 and based upon which 90% of the applications are rejected, violates the right of partners and children to family reunification. As a result of carelessly conducted procedures, children are sometimes separated from their parents for years on end.

Annexes (in Dutch):

  • Trouw | 'Ieder kind wordt als leugen behandeld' (p. 1 and p. 2) [Every child is treated like a lie] (25 May 2012)
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